
Avoiding Distractions

Controlling the Sources of Distractions There are more sources of distractions these days than ever. Back in the day people were only distracted by the phone, fax machine, solitaire, and co-workers. Now, people have to deal with texts, emails, Messenger, social media, news sites, music, movie, and TV streaming, a bunch of apps, and so … Read more

Choose Your Responses

Fear of Messages It seems like it has become a habit to always respond to emails, social media messages, blog comments, and posts. However, this only makes you prone to distractions. But why do people feel that urgency to respond to things right away? It’s mainly because of fear that people might think you’re slacking … Read more

Stepping Back From Distractions (Part 1)

The Challenge of Blocking Out Distractions One of the greatest challenges of the modern world is being able to focus. Without a doubt the world is full of distractions, which may prevent you from starting a productive day, staying healthy and fit, or enjoying the calm and quiet in the midst of a chaotic world. … Read more

Stepping Back From Distractions (Part 2)

Get a Grip on Distractions If you’re actively trying to build your side hustle or looking to establish one, distractions can ruin your progress in a snap. You can’t build anything if you keep replying to emails and text, posting on social media, or reading a blog. And even when you can switch between tasks, … Read more